Schedule of costs and fees wheego share
Status 02 / 2023

All amounts stated include value added tax


GTC para. 2.2



GTC 2.4

Unauthorized double or multiple registration of the same person


AVB para 1.12, 9.4

Giving the vehicle to an unauthorized third party
Contractual penalty of €1,000 and elimination of the reduction in liability


AVB para 1.12

Disclosure of login data/unauthorized use
Contractual penalty of €1,000 and elimination of liability reduction in the event of unauthorized use by a third party

Extension of the reservation time up to a maximum of 24 hours before the start of the rental
(10 minutes reservation time free of charge)
0.04 € per minute

Cancellations after the planned start of the rental period and non-arrival
100% of the rental price, but at least € 45.00

Rental or return in an airport zone (except minute rate)

Return in an airport zone

Return in the same business area in which the rental was made


AVB para. 1.4, 3.9, 3.12

Return in a business area other than the one in which the rental was made (one-way rental)
Groups XS, S, M: 15,00€
Group P, 8/9-seater, van: €75.00


AVB 3.10, 3.12

Return/termination outside authorized business areas
€ 149.00 plus costs of relocating the vehicle. (minimum €50.00, maximum €1,000.00 depending on the distance).


AVB para 3.5

Early return of the vehicle and termination of the rental agreement
(for booked hourly and daily packages)
100% of the booked rental price, no refund will be made

Late return
(for booked hourly and daily packages)
Once the booked hourly or daily package has expired, the further rental period will be charged on the basis of the standard rate

Additional driver
(additional drivers must be successfully registered and verified wheego sharing customers)
5€/day; for minute and hourly rentals up to 24h one-time 5€

Passenger accident insurance
10,00€/ day

Young Driver (drivers under 23 years)
6€/day; for minute and hourly rentals up to 24h one-time 6€


Authorized trip abroad

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland
20€ (one-off)

Andorra, Estonia, Finland, Gibraltar, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary
45€ (one-off)

Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Malta, UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
85€ (one-off)


AVB para 2.2o

Unauthorized travel abroad
200€ and loss of insurance cover


AVB para 2.2 j,k,q

Special cleaning
min. 49€ (exact costs according to expenditure)


AVB para 2.2 i

Smoking in the car
min. 99€ (exact costs according to expenditure)


GTC para. 6
GTC para. 9.2, 9.6

Deductible per claim
Group XS: 500€
Group S: 800€
Group M: 1.000€
Group P: 1.200€
8/9-seater: 1.200€
Transporter: 1.500€


AVB para 9.2

Claims handling fee (for damage caused by the customer)

Damage quick appraisal

Delayed damage report (after return) or failure to report damage
Contractual penalty of €250 and loss of liability reduction


GTC para 6. 9.3

Processing fee for traffic violations


AVB para 9.4

Re-parking of vehicles due to customer fault
min. 70€ (according to cost/route)


AVB para 2.6

Service trip due to customer fault
min. 70€ (according to cost/route)

Aggressive driving behavior

Vehicle blocking


AVB para 3.12, 3.8 9.2

Administrative fees for towing outside of underground garages (plus towing fees)


AVB para 3.12, 3.8 9.2

Administrative fees for towing from underground parking garage (plus towing fees)


AVB para 3.12, 3.8 9.4

Towing charges
Costs are based on the invoice from the external company, plus loss of use if applicable.


AVB para 2.2b

Refueling/charging in Germany and in the member states of the EU
is permitted free of charge with a wheego fuel/charging card only at the designated wheego partner filling stations and wheego partner charging stations. Refueling with premium fuels is not permitted.


AVB para 2.2b 5.3

Use of filling stations or charging stations that are not partners of wheego
25.00 € (the fuel will be reimbursed on the basis of the fuel receipt provided, subject to verification and less the processing fee of €25.00)


AVB para. 2.2b, 5.2

Refueling with premium fuels


AVB Para. 3.2a, 3.11

Tank capacity on return <25% or for electric vehicles charge level on return <25%

Tank capacity on return <1/8 or for electric vehicles charge level on return <10%


AVG para 9.10

Incorrect refueling
250€ plus repair costs and loss of use


AVB para 2.2b 5.3

Processing of third-party invoices


GTC Para. 6
GTC Para. 4.2

Loss/destruction of fuel card
100€ plus replacement costs


GTC Para. 6
GTC Para. 4.2

Loss of vehicle keys
200€ plus replacement costs


GTC Para. 6
GTC Para. 4.2

Loss of charging cable
200€ plus replacement costs

Contractual penalty for violations of the GTC


AVB para 5.4

Prosecution of criminal offenses


AVB para 10.3

Processing of return debit notes
10€ plus return debit note fee


AVB para. 10.3, 10.4

Processing reminders for late payments


Fields marked with an * are required


Founder & CEO

wheego is not just a brand, wheego is part of a technology group that develops, owns, operates and markets various integrated system modules for the optimization and digitalization of mobility around the world.

In April 2021, Hubert Terstappen founded share-tec GmbH (as part of the VCC Group), which holds the wheego brand rights and brought on board several experienced members and car rental experts from the former Buchbinder and Global Management and Franchise team. wheego is a brand of share-tec GmbH. Hubert Terstappen is one of the leading personalities in the mobility industry. He started his own car rental business back in 1987 and expanded throughout Germany. After the merger with Buchbinder, Hubert Terstappen became Managing Director of the Group and developed the company into the fourth-largest mobility provider in Germany and the market leader in Austria with over 30,000 vehicles at 165 locations. The entrepreneur also founded the international franchise system Global Rent a Car and expanded the brand into 20 countries worldwide. Following the successful sale of the Buchbinder Group to Europcar, he was responsible for the integration into the Europcar Mobility Group and was appointed Managing Director of Europcar in Germany. He left the company in 2020 and founded the VCC VENTURES Group and the associated companies share-tec GmbH, mobi-tec GmbH and PARKsmart. In the first financial year, Hubert Terstappen and the wheego team achieved all planned milestones. The Share, Rent, Auto Abo and Car Sales products were successfully launched, the website and the wheego app (iOS and Android) were launched and the first wheego Mobility Stores were opened in Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna and other major cities. The wheego franchise partner program also got off to a very successful start. More than 20 international partners have already joined the wheego franchise system and have started to operate under the wheego brand in addition to the two Group countries Germany and Austria. At the same time, the development of the VCC Group's own technology solutions is making good progress. At the heart of the development is the RideCube© system, an integrated car rental and car sharing technology with many unique features and tools to operate the mobility business in the most convenient and efficient way and provide customers with a unique rental experience.